Ask this one question, make a lot more DEEnero

Before I head off to the Genius Bar to try and figure out why my MacBook Pro has a vertical, horizontal bar on the left side of the screen, (Grrr!!!) I want to tell you how you can easily make your wallet a little fatter by asking one straightforward question.

One of the supporting beams on our garage is being fixed, and it’s no simple job. Yesterday, the owner of the company who was doing the work, explained what needed to be done. It’s involved a diamond tip chainsaw or something, which sounded kind of cool and expensive.

After the owner was done describing what he was going to do and I handed him a check, he looked at the deck on the side of the house, and asked, “Do you see that beam? Are you plan on getting that fixed? We can fix your deck for you too.”

Boom! He made another sale in less than one minute.

The “Would you like fries with that?” methodology is often overlooked by professional services providers but with a little bit of thought, almost everyone can use it, and by doing so, add some pure profit to their bottom line.

I’m off to the Apple Store.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Computer Problems” Dee

P.S. If you requested information about my Private Client program yesterday, please hang tight. Depending on what happens with my computer, I’ll get you that information today. If you haven’t requested more information, and are interested n spending a day with me in-person where we develop your marketing and sales systems and create a comprehensive strategy to take you from where you are to where you want to be, then email Karen at with the subject line, “Private Client Information.”







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