Are you making this lead generation mistake?

By fixing the mistake I’m going to describe to you, you could easily double the results you’re getting from your lead generation marketing.

Yesterday I reviewed a series of videos from a private client of mine. These videos were designed to get qualified prospects to book a consultation with him.

When I got to the close, I discovered a big problemo that many business owners make not only in their videos, webinars, and in-person presentations but in their lead generation marketing in general.

The mistake is trying to sell their actual services instead of selling the consultation.

For example, in his video presentation, my client started describing his core offer which is a high-end concierge medical service as opposed to selling the next step, which was to schedule an initial appointment with him. At this appointment is where he would sell the consultation.

When doing any form of lead generation, you can’t put the cart before the horse. You need each piece of your “funnel” to accomplish what it’s designed to do and not more.

Let’s take this good ole email as an example.

The subject line of the email has one purpose – to get you to open the email.

The second sentence makes a big promise with the purpose being to get you to keep reading the email.

Next, I introduced the fact that I have private clients. The purpose of this is to lead to my “offer” in this email, which is…

If you’re interested in spending a day with me in-person where we develop your marketing and sales systems and create a comprehensive strategy to take you from where you are to where you want to be, then email Karen at with the subject line, “Private Client Information” and we’ll get you the details.

Notice how I am not selling my Private Client Program, I’m merely saying if you’re interested, email Karen.

So take a look at your lead generation marketing and ask yourself, am I doing a good job selling the next step in the process?

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “One Step At A Time” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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