Any fool can do this

I’m kind of grumpy this morning, so I’m going to go on a little rant here.

Any fool can learn how to create a signature talk that gets a standing ovation. That’s child’s play, mi amigo. Bring a tear to their eye, make them laugh, make them cheer and love you – piece of cake. Heck, you might even win an award from the National Speaker’s Association.

But if you want to be a speaking stud or studdess, then you’ve got to step up to the big leagues and learn how to SELL from the platform. It’s a whole different animal than inspiring an audience and the money is a heck of a lot better.

People brag about getting $5,000 or $10,000 for a speaking gig. Chicken feed. You can make ten times that per “gig” if you know how to sell. Oh, and if what you sell has transformational value for your audiences, you’ll actually be helping them instead of just inspiring them.

It’s tough to REALLY change someone’s life with a 90-minute speech. They NEED resources and you should be PROUD to sell them and make no apologies when doing so.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Rant Over” Dee






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