An error in thinking when it comes to lead generation

“I am generating many leads with my (short-form webinar, book, pdf, video, etc.), but no one is booking appointments.”

I hear that a lot, so let’s clear up some misconceptions because, in the long run, grasping what I’m about to tell you will get you more bang for your marketing buck and more clients.

The purpose of a lead magnet is to get ideal pros, etc. To “raise their hand” and show interest in what you’re selling. Most leads you generate are not ready to take the next step and schedule an appointment with you.

Only a tiny percentage of new prospects are ready to buy, so thinking that your lead generation magnet isn’t working because people don’t immediately want to meet with you is misguided and can prevent you from consistently following up over time.

The truth is that prospects will schedule appointments with you when they’re ready, not when you want them to. They’re on their timetable, not yours. That’s why consistent follow-up is crucial to your success. When you understand that you’re playing the “long game,” lead generation becomes a capital investment, not an expense.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t try converting leads into appointments with your lead magnet. You should because, in most cases, there’s no reason not to go after the low-hanging fruit. (Although making prospects “jump through hoops” before meeting with you is also effective. I’ll talk about that in another DEEmail.) But abandoning a lead magnet that produces quality leads just because those leads don’t immediately convert is, as the late great Jim Rohn would say, “mistake colossal.”

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Conversion Takes Time” Dee






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