I get asked the following question almost every week; “How long should my webinar be?”
My answer is that it depends on several factors.
Side note: This is one of those DEEmails that you’ll want to save because you’ll want to reference it again.
Factor numero uno: Is the audience warm or cold?
If you’re presenting to a cold audience, your webinar needs to be longer because you need to get the audience to know, like, and trust you. In part, that means telling your entire origin story and using a lot of case studies. Length: 60 minutes to 2 hours.
If you’re presenting to a warm audience, your webinar can be shorter because the audience already knows you and hopefully believes that you’re the real deal—length 30 minutes to one hour.
Factor numero dos: The price point or how complicated your offer is.
Typically, the higher the price point or, the more complicated the offer, the longer your webinar needs to be. That’s not always the case. In another business I’m a partner in, we sell a $5,000 per month program in a one-hour webinar that ends up lasting for 90 minutes with the Q&A section. I have not tested a longer webinar yet, but I suspect the results will improve.
If you’re offering a free consultation, factor numero uno is the deciding factor for how long your webinar should be. WARNING: Do not think that just because you’re offering something for free, you don’t have to sell it. You do.
Factor numero tres: Whether or not you tell the prospects the length of the webinar.
I recommend that you let the prospects know the length of the webinar in advance so they’ll block off time on their calendar. There is nothing wrong with doing a two-hour webinar, provided that you let your audience know the length. You can position a two-hour webinar as more valuable than a short webinar. Heck, I design and conduct four-hour online events with some of my private clients, and these one-day launches generate big numbers. We make sure the audience knows that the event will be that long.
A subset of this factor is the length of time a prospect registers before the webinar takes place. In most cases, giving someone a couple of days’ notice about a four-hour event isn’t going to work, while conversely, that promotion length is effective for a 30-minute webinar.
Profit Activator: Save this DEEmail or print it for future reference.
Tomorrow, I’ve got you a big tip that can increase your conversions by 10%-20%.
Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!
Dave “Golden Tips” Dee