A true story and a simple way to sell more

In his book Persuasion Engineering, Richard Bandler, the co-founder of NLP, tells a story about sitting in a friend’s real estate office.

A woman asked the salesperson if they had any homes with a huge backyard for sale. The salesperson looked at his listings and said, “I’m sorry. We don’t.”

As the woman was leaving, Bandler spoke up and said, “Let me ask you a question: What are you going to do with a big backyard?”

The woman told him that she had nine kids and wanted to make it easy for her children to play and attend school. That’s what she truly desired. Bandler found her a house that backed up to a schoolyard, and she bought it.

I get generic answers when I ask professionals what their clients truly desire. Certainly, understanding the overall outcome a prospective client has is valuable, especially when designing marketing messages to attract them. But, when you meet with a prospect, it’s your job to find out what they desire. You need to ask questions to determine their needs, wants, and desires.

By the way, even if every prospective client you talk to answers your questions in the same way, it’s imperative that you still ask the questions, listen to their answers, and give feedback to your prospect on what they said. Your prospective clients want to know that you care about them and listen to their desires.

How much does the technique I laid out for you in this email cost to implement? Think about it. I’ll wait for you.

That’s right. It costs you NOTHING, but it will increase your sales.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “E-Z Ways To Increase Sales” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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