A “miracle” way to double your profits

Imagine that you wake up tomorrow, a miracle has occurred, and you have doubled your profits.

You looked at your marketing expenses and saw that they hadn’t increased.

You hadn’t created a new wiz-bang “funnel.”

You didn’t incorporate the latest and greatest A.I. hack.

But your bank account had more money than ever before, and it just kept growing.

How would that make you feel?

Here’s the “secret” behind this “miracle,” and you might not like it:

You doubled your closing percentage when meeting with prospective clients.

I understand if you’re a little disappointed, but getting better at the sales part of your business can transform it and your life.

If you aren’t getting any leads, then you need to work on that; however, if you’re meeting with prospects and not turning the majority of them into clients, you’re greatest leverage is to get better at sales.

No, it’s not as “sexy” or “fun” as the other stuff I listed, but it is the biggest miracle-maker you have in your business.

What’s exciting is once you get master the art and science of persuasion and influence, you have that master skill for the rest of your life.

This month, I’m doing a small group sales workshop where you will master closing the sale without any traditional techniques that make you sound and feel like a salesperson.

If you’re sincerely interested in joining us, reply to this email, and I’ll send you details.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Miracle Maker” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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And Profit” plus a free ticket to Dave’s upcoming online workshop and his daily email tips.

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