I’m going to be short and to the point today but the message is essential.
To play the game and win, you need to be playing the right game.
I sent this message to my mastermind members which explains what I’m talking about. Here it is:
There is NO one-size fits all model, like many of the “gurus” teach. You need to play to your strengths. Andrew is a master phone salesperson, so the model I have him using is based on selling on the phone.
If you’re not great at writing copy, for example, and the model you use is heavily copy dependent, you’re going to struggle. Either get good at it, hire someone who is good at it, or select a different model.
Simple advice that took me YEARS to learn.
That’s it for today; I’m off to pick up Karen and the airport. 🙂
Dave “Play To Your Strengths” Dee