Karen has been in LA since Thursday with our youngest son, visiting our oldest son for his birthday.
I hadn’t had “alone time” in awhile, and, shhh, don’t tell her, I was looking forward to it.
Man, did I make some plans!
I was going to go to a cigar and whiskey bar, amongst other manly endeavors.
Well, er, um, I didn’t do squat!
And the truth is, I missed her on day two! (Again, shh, don’t tell her that either!)
Fortunately, with all the modern technology, we stayed in touch a lot. I got pictures, she got a video, we called each other, we texted, etc. etc.
So let me ask you a question?
How often do you stay in touch with your customers, clients, or patients?
For most entrepreneurs, the answer is “not enough.”
Let me ask you another question:
When is the last time you contacted lost customers, clients, or patients?
If you want to experience an almost instant cash flow surge, put together a lost customer reactivation campaign this week. I would use direct mail, Facebook targeting, and email to get the job done. If you want to put the campaign on steroids, add in a phone call.
If you do what I sayeth, today’s humble email could be worth mucho DEEnero to you.
Go forth and make it happen, kemosabe.
Dave “Cigar bar tonight?” Dee
P.S. If you’re interested in creating an info-product to sell, and you’d like to get in done in 72 hours or less, then you should attend the live class I’m doing at 4:00 ET today. I’ll be going over my precise methodology for creating info-products that have sold millions. Since it’s live, I can answer questions if you have them. Register by going here: