Prediction: The Debate Winner Will Be…

I’m not sure you heard about it, but there’s a little debate tonight.

Trump vs. Harris – oh, the humanity.

Some pundits claim that the debate will impact the election when it comes to undecided voters.

It’s incredulous that there are still “undecided” voters when the two candidates are so diametrically opposed to each other. But that’s another topic for another day.

So who will be victorious?

It depends on which candidate delivers the more powerful emotional punch.

You see, they are actually not just debating – they are selling and selling in great part is based on emotion.

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck recently said that all Trump needed to do to win was keep his cool and stick to the facts. That’s not correct.

A purely logical sales presentation won’t move people to buy. You want to engage your prospect’s emotions and back up what you say with logic because that’s people making buying decisions. You need both emotion and logic.

If forced to choose between emotion and logic, I’d choose emotion.

If you can make your prospects feel the pain of their situation and show them how working with you will alleviate that pain and deliver them a brighter future, you will close more sales. Back up your emotional pitch with facts, and you’ll be unstoppable.

The winner of the debate will be the candidate who does those things most effectively, provided that one of them doesn’t melt down or make a major faux pas.

When crafting a micro-webinar to generate appointments, you need to lean on emotional selling back with facts but in a condensed time frame. When you nail it, you’ll get prospects who are ready to solve their problem by hiring you to schedule appointments.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “And The Winner Is…” Dee






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