Frustration Reins Supreme

I had an espresso yesterday with my dear friend and private client, Michael Rozbruch, and we talked about something that frustrates us, which is…

Business owners who focus on response rate instead of ROAS. (Return on ad spend.)

We had similar experiences with two members of our respective groups.

One invested 5K in a direct mail campaign and complained that she only got two leads. That sucks, right?

Hold your horses, Bucko, to paraphrase the late, great Paul Harvey, “Here’s the rest of the story.”

That one lead turned into a $25,000 client.

Another member created one of my famous micro-webinar funnels and only had a few prospects schedule appointments. Her ad spend was minimal. She said the funnel micro-webinar wasn’t working.

First, a micro-webinar is designed to get only the hottest prospects on your calendar. But, the most significant point is that one of those prospects turned into a $12,000 client for a huge ROAS.

Please remember that you can’t deposit response percentages, open rates, click-through rates, etc., in the bank.

Certainly, those metrics can be valuable, but ROAS is THE metric that matters the most.

At my live event in SW Florida at the end of September, we will focus on developing campaigns and systems that deliver results you can see in your bank account. What’s cool is some of these strategies require zero ad spend, which lowers your overall client acquisition cost.

We’ll look at that principle in detail tomorrow, but for now, if you are frustrated because you’re not making the DEEnero you know you could and should be making, or you’re kicking booty but struggling to get to the next level, then go here:

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “ROAS” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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