I Have To Get This Off My Chest

I have to get this off my chest

Exasperated – that’s how I feel.

I spoke to a business owner, who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty, who complained that his short-form webinar funnel wasn’t working. He wanted to know what changes he should make to it.

I came to find out that the funnel was working fine, but the issue came down to his lack of follow-up.

For example, prospects complete a qualification questionnaire before scheduling a call with him. Some of those people schedule the call, and some don’t. He didn’t send text reminders about the call or follow up with people who completed the questionnaire but didn’t schedule a call!


It gets worse.

The micro-webinar funnel is designed only to get the hottest of the hot prospects to schedule appointments and also collect the names and email addresses of people who have the problem his service solves. He is building a leads list that, if he nurtures it, will result in clients and healthy ROI.

The dude doesn’t see the value in building a list of prospects who need his service and doesn’t have a follow-up system to turn those leads into appointments and clients.

That is insanity and short-minded thinking.

There’s nothing wrong with the call to action being, “Call us to schedule a consultation” when lead generating, but at the very least, there should be a secondary reason for the response, which is to get more information.

For most professional services businesses, follow-up campaigns are the key to riches, yet most people do a half-assed job of them or none at all.

To learn more about how to get more meetings with high-quality leads, close more sales, and make more money without working harder, go here: www.davedee.com/vip

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “I Feel Better Now” Dee






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