A Pleading Letter From A Competitor

Step into my time machine and travel back about 25 years.

I went to my mailbox and got the strangest letter I’d ever received. Before I tell you about it, let me set the stage.

My entertainment business was firing on all cylinders. My calendar was filled, some would argue “overfilled” with gigs, and I was getting the highest fees in my target market. I had ads running in the publications my buyers read, direct mail campaigns that worked like gangbusters, and strategic ways to sell more shows while doing my show.

The bottom line is I was dominating my market.

Now, back to the letter.

It was from a “competitor” who had been in the market longer than me. He was an excellent performer, had better magic “chops” than me, and got excellent reviews.

In the letter, he stated that because I entered the market, his gigs and income had decreased, that he was struggling, and that I was taking food off his table. He wrote, and I’m paraphrasing, that we’re in a brotherhood as magicians and asked that I not market so aggressively. And make no mistake, I was aggressive. Without disparaging anyone, I nullified other magicians’ supposed competitive advantage, especially his, by offering something different, which I framed as superior.

That letter fired me up because I knew I was doing something right.

When your competitors complain that you’re gobbling up market share, not because of devious or unethical tactics, but because your marketing campaigns, sales systems, and service delivery models are too good, you know you’re on the right track.

Interestingly, while the “marketing domination” TACTICS I used for 25 years have changed, the PRINCIPLES remain the same.

To learn more about how to get more meetings with high-quality leads, close more sales, and make more money without working harder, go here:

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Wish I Kept The Letter” Dee






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