The Trait Most Business Owners Lack

The trait that most business owners lack is honesty.

Not that they engage in dishonest business practices or aren’t truthful with their clients.

I’m talking about self-deceit and not being 100% truthful inside of peer groups.

Self-deceit comes in many forms. One of the most common is telling yourself that you’re doing everything you can to grow your business.

At times, even recently, I’m guilty as charged.

Instead of getting down the work I know I should be doing, I distract myself by learning new things and studying, or even worse, just wasting time on YouTube.

Not being 100% truthful inside of peer groups is so common, it’s almost laughable. For example, in most mastermind groups, there are lot of “posers” who inflate their numbers and act as if everything is great, instead of being honest and getting the help they need. As a mentor, I can’t help someone come up with solutions if they don’t open up, become vulnerable, and let me know what’s truly going on.

Earlier this week, I had a call with my Elite Mastermind & Mentoring members, and we had a very real discussion about entrepreneurial burnout. Everyone who spoke was honest and open. There was no pretending, and because of that, we had a raw and fruitful discussion. One of the newer members said, “Wow. It was so good to hear that others have gone through this, too.”

Self-honesty is the starting point to experiencing quantum growth.

I don’t know about you, but I’m working on it.

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Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Let’s Get Real” Dee






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