Let’s Bust This Myth Once And For All

So many professional service providers think selling is about manipulating prospects and using high-pressure tactics to convince prospects to invest in their services.

Let’s break that down.

  1. Manipulation. The difference between manipulation and persuasion is intent. If you intend to sell prospects services, they don’t need to; that’s manipulation. If you intend to help them solve their problem and get the result they desire, that’s persuasion.
  2. High-pressure tactics. Sadly, most sales trainers still teach stuff like that. Please understand that’s not what professional selling is at all. The only pressure the prospect exerts on themselves is because they know YOU have the solution for them.
  3. Convincing. One of my first mentors said, “Convincing anyone about anything sucks.” Professional selling is about guiding the prospect to decide that working with you is what will help them. You use sales structure, language, and questions so the prospect buys from you.

Next Wednesday, I’m conducting a live training session in which we’ll explore this crucial topic further. You’ll receive an invitation on Monday.

But if you’re already serious about mastering the sales process, I’m doing a sales workshop with a small group at the end of the month.

We’ll design and write your consultation process so you can convert more appointments with prospects into clients. This includes elegantly handling your most challenging objections.

If you want to join us, just reply, and I’ll get you all the details!

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “The Myth Buster” Dee






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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