Fascinating book

I just read “Real Magic” by Dr. Dean Radin.

He conducted and cited scientific studies that concluded that there is real “magic” in the world. (His experiment on goal setting was fascinating.)

It was interesting how, despite his rigorous experimental protocols and his peer-reviewed findings, many leading scientific publications either refused to print his findings or published his findings and then retracted them because of pressure from academia.

Dr. Radin’s findings did not fit within current scientific models, so they were rejected.

The point is what we believe to be true might not be true, but very few people will ever question the prevailing dogma in their industry.

“That’s just the way we do things around here” is often the response when someone asks the question, “Why.”

However, the biggest breakthroughs happen when someone is brave enough to challenge assumptions and try something new.

Two weeks ago, a new client flew to Florida on Tuesday for a consulting day, and we built the presentation that he was doing that Friday.

His goal was to sell a $37,000 package to a cold audience during his 45-minute speaking slot. Nearly everyone would say that’s impossible and he should just try to set appointments and then close.

He sold five packages to a cold audience of less than 150 people.

I’m not suggesting that everyone try that, but rather than immediately rejecting ideas because they don’t fall into our current belief system or dogma, we have a more open mind.

What might happen if we do could look like magic.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “Real Magician” Dee






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