A Weird Secret For Reaching Your Sales Goals

It’s thirty minutes until show time.

The camera crew is making final preparations.

The web team is double-checking to make sure the technology is working properly.

Viewers are pouring in to watch the much-promoted live webcast I’m doing.

I sneak to an empty office to do my “pre-show” ritual. This is a ritual I use whether I am speaking from the stage, doing a webinar, or in this case, a LiveCast.

I use my “anchoring” ritual, which puts me in a peak emotional state of confidence, and power and raises my energy level to its max. I’ve been doing this anchoring ritual for years, and it never fails to get me fired up and ready to perform. (I could have used the word “sell,” but the truth is a masterful sales presentation is really a performance.)

I walk into the studio confident and very focused.

Lights, camera, action.

The results? Forty units sold at 3K each.

Having a “pre-show” ritual in place that engages your physiology and your mind will dramatically increase your sales and help you reach your goals.

Kick butt, make mucho “DEE-nero!”

Dave “Confidence and Power” Dee

PS: I have a small group workshop starting next Monday… We’ll spend six weeks creating a complete evergreen client attraction machine that includes a one-to-many sales presentation at its engine.

Would you like to join us?

Just reply to this email and put “One-To-Many” in the subject line, and I’ll get you the details 🙂






Mastering one-to-many  sales on stage or online

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