Buffet people

There are all-you-can-eat buffet people who equate value to bulk.

Then there are fine-dining people like me who enjoy quality over quantity.

Buffet people find it incredulous that I would pay $150 or more (plus wine pairings) for a series of small plates of food.

I find it unappealing to line up like a cow at a trough and pile my plate full of mediocre food.

It doesn’t make either of us wrong, just different.

It’s the same when it comes to prospects.

One business model is to churn and burn through them by getting as many of them on your calendar, or more likely, on a telephone sharks calendar, and hard close them.

An alternative model is to consistently get a smaller group of prospects ready to do business with you and can pay our fees on your calendar and convert most of them into clients.

I’ll take quality over quantity all day long. For me, that’s a more enjoyable business model that gives me time, freedom, and higher profits.

I’m sharing how the “less is more” business model works on Thursday at noon ET.

If you haven’t reserved your spot, you can do so here:


Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “No Buffets For Me” Dee

P.S. There will not be a replay of Thursday’s “Get More Appointments” masterclass. The only way to see it is to join us live.






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