Inspiring stuff

I love watching people who have mastered their craft and are passionate about their work. It is inspiring and educational, making me want to improve my work.

Please take a few minutes and watch this video about a chef in New York whose pizza was voted best in the world.

Three key takeaways I got from this mini-documentary that we can apply directly to our businesses are:

  1. Try to get better daily. This guy has been making dough since he was 15, and he’s still striving to improve every day he steps into the kitchen.
  2. Small hinges swing big doors. The type of wood he uses matters. Where the fire burns in the oven matters. How and why he uses wood chips matters. Often we focus too much on the big picture and miss the little details that make the difference between success and just doing okay.
  3. Passion is the key to success. Listening to the chef, you can feel his passion for pizza and baking. How passionate you are about what you do, and your belief in what you do is the most significant factor in closing sales. Your belief is more important than any technique.

There’s a lot to learn by observing masters of their craft. Please take the time to watch the video and apply what you learn to your business.

Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!

Dave “I Love Pizza” Dee

P.S. If you’re interested in profiting from sharing your expertise and knowledge with others, I’d love you to join me on Wednesday for an informal discovery meeting where I’ll share the ins and outs of information marketing and how to get started while still running your core business.

To join us, please save your spot here:






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